Book Title:

Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace, 2002 Revised Edition (Paperback)
by Noa Davenport, Ruth D. Schwartz, Gail Pursell Elliott

Editorial Reviews:

Daniel Maguire, Professor of Ethics, Marquette University, Author of Ethics for a Small Planet

Until evil is named, it cannot be addressed. This book names “mobbing,” a common and bloodless form of workplace mayhem, and proceeds with brilliance to show its roots and possible cures.

Dr. Kenneth Westhues, Professor of Sociology, University of Waterloo, Canada

This book is a safety manual for avoiding the most terrifying kind of workplace injury. The advice given here is clear, practical, and sound. Its foundation in empirical research is firm. I recommend this book to every employee and manager in America.

Dr. Nicole Rafter, Professor in Northeastern University’s Law, Policy, and Society Program

This is the first U.S. book on mobbing, a widespread and serious form of workplace victimization. We are in the authors’ debt for bringing mobbing to the attention of the American public and recommending ways to halt it.

From the Publisher

“This is an important book. It sheds light on great suffering and proposes ideas to reduce this suffering,” wrote Dr. Heinz Leymann, the Swedish-German researcher who named “mobbing” and brought it to the attention of the European community in the Foreword of this book.

Book Description

Everyday capable, hardworking, committed employees suffer emotional abuse at their workplace. Some flee from jobs they love, forced out by mean-spirited co-workers, subordinates or superiors – often with the tacit approval of higher management.

The authors, Dr. Noa Davenport, Ruth Distler Schwartz, and Gail Pursell Elliott have written a book for every employee and manager in America. The book deals with what has become a household word in Europe: Mobbing.

Mobbing is a “ganging up” by several individuals, to force someone out of the workplace through rumor, innuendo, intimidation, discrediting, and particularly, humiliation. Mobbing is a serious form of nonsexual, nonracial harassment. It has been legally described as status-blind harassment.

Mobbing affects the mental and physical health of victims. It extracts staggering costs from victims, their families, and from organizations.

With this new book, Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace, there is a name for the problem and help for the victims. The book helps readers to understand what mobbing is, why it occurs, how it affects a victim and organizations, and what people can so. The authors have interviewed victims from across the U.S. and the book contains many quotes that poignantly illustrate the gravity of the mobbing experience. An overview of the literature and research is provided as well as many practical strategies to help the victims, managers, healthcare and legal professionals. Original drawings by Sabra Vidali express the depth of the experience and enhance the authors’ work.

About the Author

Noa Davenport, Ph.D., is of Swiss origin. A social scientist, she has worked internationally in research, administration, teaching and writing in governmental and nonprofit organizations, higher education and in business. She presently is an adjunct assistant professor at Iowa State University and principal of DNZ Consulting & Associates, a company that focuses on conflict management education and training.

Ruth Distler Schwartz, MS, is a counselor and educator who has spent most of her career in management in nonprofit organizations, higher education and healthcare. She designed executive and professional development programs including a distinguished scholars program and a social issues series. She is the editor of Know Your Rights: Understanding What You Must Do If You Are Ever a Suspect in a Criminal Case. President of R. A. Schwartz & Associates, a national consulting and marketing firm, she now lives in Des Moines, Iowa.

Gail Elliott, a human resources and training consultant, is the owner of Innovations: “Training with a Can-Do Attitude”. A Nationally Certified Trainer in Communication and Behavior Management, she is a graduate of Penn State University, post-graduate education at the University of South Florida, a member of American Mensa, and a published poet. Her 20+ years’ experience includes administration, recruitment, orientation, training, and motivation. She has conducted staff, supervisory and sales training for product-oriented companies, service providers, including both profit and not-for-profit organizations.