U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)


TECH-Net Home

TECH-Net is an electronic gateway of technology information and resources for and about small high tech businesses. It is a search engine for researchers, scientists, state, federal and local government officials, a marketing tool for small firms and a potential “link” to investment opportunities for investors and other sources of capital.

A Search Engine

TECH-Net is an Internet-based database of information containing Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) awards, Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) awards. It is a free service for those seeking small business partners, small business contractors and subcontractors, leading edge technology research, research partners (small businesses, universities, federal labs and non-profit organizations), manufacturing centers and investment opportunities.

Businesses profiled on the TECH-Net system can be searched by a variety of data elements such as: location; company name, phase, agency, branch, award year, etc.

A Link to Procurement Opportunities

As an electronic gateway, TECH-Net provides access and is linked to federal agency SBIR/STTR solicitations. The system is also linked to technology sources of information, assistance and training. The TECH-Net project is a cooperative effort among SBA’s Offices of Technology and the Chief Information Officer.

See also…

Business and Finance Law