RJI – Request for judicial intervention (New York)

The Request for Judicial Intervention (RJI) is filed in an action, when the action needs to be assigned to a Justice of the Supreme Court, although a few exceptions to this rule does exist. The RJI is the “data entry sheet” for entry into the court system database, therefore, all information requested must be filled out and accurate. Only one action per RJI can be filed and the full caption (as on the Summons) must be used. The use of et. al., and etc. is prohibited. The RJI (revised 1/31/2000) must be used and all information called for must be filled in. For Contested Matrimonial actions the section on page two for must also be completed. The RJI also contains an affirmation at the end that requires an attorney’s signature. The RJI must be filed in duplicate and served with the accompanying application upon all parties, unless it is an ex-parte application, with a $ 75 filing fee. Proof of accuracy of the index number must accompany the RJI. [22 NYCRR] 202.6.