Book Title:

Issues in Internet Law (Paperback)
by Keith, B. Darrell

Editorial Reviews:

Book Description

About Issues in Internet Law: Just about anyone who comes in contact with the Internet can benefit from an understanding of the legal issues related to the Internet. And that contact may come through surfing the World Wide Web, participating in a Usenet newsgroup or List Serv, or in a chat room or online forum, or by sending or receiving e-mail. It may involve issues of commerce and contract law, or sexual harassment in the workplace, or freedom of speech, or invasion of privacy.

These are just some of the issues addressed in this book:

  • Suppose you buy something online; was that online contract you clicked on really enforceable, even if you just scrolled down and did not read it?
  • Does receiving pornography in the office e-mail from other employees constitute sexual harassment?
  • Can someone insult you online and get away with it?
  • Can they find information online to stalk you?
  • What can you legally place on your website?
  • And what are you not legally allowed to put on your website?
  • Do you own your domain name?
  • Can a public library censor your use of its Internet-linked computers?
  • Can someone else read your e-mail?
  • Is it legal to gamble online?
  • How “private” is your private information after you disclose it to a website?
  • Is a student exercising his First Amendment rights when he creates a hate website on a public school’s Internet server?
  • Do other countries address these issues differently from the U.S.?
  • Which country’s laws apply on the Internet?

From the Author:

About the format of Issues in Internet Law: Several years into my web design business, I decided to promote my business by teaching at local colleges and adult education programs. I scoured high and low searching for a suitable textbook on Internet Law that I could assign to my students. Surprisingly, I found very few dealing with the subject and those that were available were geared toward law schools, i.e., very expensive and extremely technical. Since my audience were probably not going to be lawyers and were unlikely to spend more than $100 on a textbook, my search came up empty-handed. The need for a straight-forward and affordable book on Internet Law for the average person was apparent. This book can be read by the average person to develop an awareness of issues in Internet Law. It can also be used as a textbook. In the latter capacity, each chapter contains a quiz with answers in the Appendix.

Concept of Issues in Internet Law: There is a reason that this book is titled “Issues in Internet Law.” This book is designed to serve as a red flag for issues in Internet law. A good lawyer does not know the law; he only knows where to find it. That is because the law is constantly changing and varies from jurisdiction. Even more so, in an area where a new technology is involved, such as the Internet, the law can change daily. This book cannot and does not attempt to state what “the law” is; it merely seeks to make the reader aware of legal issues surrounding the Internet; it is the responsibility of the reader to ascertain, on his own or through use of legal counsel, what the exact nature of the law is in his jurisdiction and how it may apply to his unique circumstances. This book is sold with the understanding that neither the publisher nor the author is engaged in rendering legal services; if legal or other expertise is required, the reader is advised to seek the services of a competent attorney.

About the Author:

Dr. Keith B. Darrell. Having been a journalist, web designer, and attorney, Dr. Darrell brings a unique perspective to the subject of Internet Law, as the courts and Congress struggle to adapt the 18th Century First Amendment to the 21st Century technology of the Internet. Dr. Darrell earned his A.A. from Broward Community College, his B.S. in Journalism from the University of Florida, his M.B.A. from Emory University, and his J.D. from the Emory School of Law.