See these comments below from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts at the University of Michigan…

Academic Preparation For Law School – What To Study

The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts has no official prescribed Pre-Law concentration or program. This position is consistent with repeated advice from the top law schools, from law school deans and faculty, from the Law School Admission Council, and from the Association of American Law Schools. Interested students should schedule an appointment with the pre-law advisor in the LSA Advising Center, 1255 Angell Hall. The following excerpts have been pulled together to give you an overview of how “best” to prepare yourself for the rigors of a legal education. The Career Planning & Placement Office, 3200 SAB has some of the complete texts on reference.

Each U.S. law school bulletin will provide a statement on law school preparation. The University of Michigan Law School Bulletin, 1998-2000 states the following:

It is essential that an applicant’s general undergraduate program has been challenging and that the student has become intellectually engaged with it. A student whose undergraduate education has not enlarged his or her capacity to read, write, speak, and think and to see the relationships both among ideas and between ideas and their human contexts is poorly prepared for law school and even less prepared for professional service in the law.

Virtually any major within a strong general program can be the basis for a good undergraduate education if it is taught demandingly and leads to substantive mastery of a discipline. The major need not be related to law; in fact, it is generally considered a waste of time to study law as a preparation for studying law. If we were to sum up our advice in a phrase, it would be: “Study something interesting and hard.”

Wise students will regard their undergraduate instruction as the first fully conscious step toward a lifetime of learning. Law school is a second step. Together, the two should complement each other and inspire continued study and reflection, even in the midst of the most vigorous career. The fully developed lawyer knows much more than the law. With these considerations in mind, we look for evidence that the applicant’s course of study has been rich and demanding and that he or she has engaged with it in a wholehearted way, developing in the process some personal intellectual interest-and perhaps a distinctive intellectual style.