The European Commission

The European Commission operates at the very heart of the European Union. Its role as the source of policy initiatives is unique; yet this role is not always clearly understood. The Commission has used its right of initiative to transform the framework provided by the treaties establishing the European Communities into today’s integrated structures. The benefits for citizens and companies throughout the Union have been considerable: freedom of movement, greater prosperity, much less red tape.

But the Commission has not done this alone. It works in close partnership with the other European institutions and with the governments of the Member States. Although the Commission makes the proposals, all the major decisions on important legislation are taken by the ministers of the Member States in the Council of the European Union, in co-decision (or, in some cases, consultation) with the democratically elected European Parliament.

The Commission consults widely with interested parties from all sectors and all walks of life when preparing draft legislation. In addition to its power of proposal, the Commission acts as the EU executive body and guardian of the Treaties. It represents the common interest and embodies, to a large degree, the personality of the Union. Its main concern is to defend the interests of Europe’s citizens. The 27 members of the Commission are drawn from the 27 EU countries, but they each swear an oath of independence, distancing themselves from partisan influence from any source.

The Commission’s job is to ensure that the European Union can attain its goal of an ever-closer union of its members. One of the principal tasks here is to secure the free movement of goods, services, capital and persons throughout the territory of the Union. The Commission must also ensure that the benefits of integration are balanced between countries and regions, between business and consumers and between different categories of citizens.

Note: The article above may not contain current information.

See also…

European Commission, From Wikipedia