Here is a checklist of basic questions to ask before you hire a lawyer:

  • What is your experience in this field?
  • Have you handled matters like mine?
  • What are the possible outcomes of my case?
  • What are my alternatives in resolving the matter?
  • Approximately how long will it take to resolve?
  • Do you recommend mediation or arbitration?
  • What are your rates and how often will you bill me?
  • What is a ballpark figure for the total bill, including fees and expenses?
  • How will you keep me informed of progress?
  • What kind of approach will you take to resolve the matter – aggressive and unyielding, or will you be more inclined to reach a reasonable settlement?
  • Who else in the office will be working on my case?
  • Can junior attorneys or paralegals in the office handle some of the administrative work at a lower rate?