WORLDLawDirect can help you-and we’ll draw upon our U.S. and worldwide base of the finest lawyers. Simply email us the details of your issue or problem and we’ll make our recommendation as to how we think you might proceed. We’ll even tell you what we think lawyers should charge for similar matters in your area. Feel free to take our recommendation or use the information we provide you to make another choice among the legal solutions available in your local market. Either way, you end up better informed and better able to utilize the best legal services to solve your problem.

Our lawyers handle a variety of complex litigation and cyber-law issues in the following niche areas, including:

  • Technology and Web Services Contracts
  • On-Line Retailer Representation
  • E-Commerce Negotiation and Disputes
  • Affiliate, Reseller and Retail Agreements
  • ISP, Host and Content Provider Contracts
  • Web site, End-User and IP Licensing Contracts
  • Trademark Registration, Monitoring and Enforcement
  • Internet Content Licensing and Copyrights
  • Anti-Cybersquatting Protection Act
  • Digital Millennium Copyright Act Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy
  • Internet Defamation, Censorship and Free Speech
  • Web Site and Blog Copyright and Fair Use
  • Domain Portfolio Analysis and Monetization
  • Gripe Site and Cybersquatting Issues
  • Internet Business Formation and Financing
  • Piracy and Brand Counterfeiting
  • Hacking, Spam and Phishing Attacks
  • Data Privacy and Security
  • User Generated Content (UGC)

See also…

Intellectual Property and Internet Law