Workers compensation benefits are designed to cover most injuries or diseases caused or aggravated by your work or working conditions. Procedures can vary according to your location.

If you are injured in the course and scope of your employment, you should first report your injury to your employer and request medical care. It is then the employer’s responsibility to provide necessary medical treatment, to report your injury to the insurance company, and the State.

If you fail to report an injury promptly, or you do not accept medical attention offered, you may lose your rights to benefits.

For information on your particular case, contact your employer who will refer you to the claims person of your employer’s insurance company or the insurance adjuster who is handling your file. If you have a problem you cannot resolve with the employer or insurance company regarding workers’ compensation benefits, you should contact your State authorities.

The principal types of benefits which may apply in workers’ compensation are medical, indemnity, and death benefits.

Medical benefits include all necessary medical, surgical and hospital services, supplies, and nursing care. If you become dissatisfied with the treatment provided, you may request a change of physicians through the insurance company. Each request should be in writing. You must obtain authority from your employer or the insurance company before seeing any physician the first time, or you may be responsible for the cost of unauthorized treatment. Be sure your doctor understands that your bills are being paid under workers’ compensation.

If you are able to return to work and earn the same wages being earned at the time of injury, then no indemnity benefits are due. However, if there is a substantial reduction of income because of the accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Indemnity benefits are separated into several different categories depending upon your medical status and ability to work based upon the doctor’s orders.

Temporary Total Disability benefits are payments to help meet living expenses during the recovery period.

See also…

Injury and Worker’s Compensation