Book Title:

Effective Fundraising for Nonprofits: Real World Strategies That Work (Paperback)
by Ilona M. Bray

Reader Reviews:

“This is a great book for the small nonprofit that does not know much about fundraising. If it were for a more established nonprofit, then it would not have referred to major gifts as those starting at $500. I’m used to major gifts starting at $10,000 and going up well into the 6 figures.

This book explains how to do the following:

  • Work with individual donors
  • Plan special events
  • Solicit grants from foundations and corporations
  • Get media coverage (publicity)
  • Use the Internet to help in the fundraising process
  • Create print marketing materials like brochures, newsletters, and annual reports

All the above are important parts of a fundraising plan. One has to set goals, strategize how to attain the goals. Then attract individual donors and develop a rapport with those donors so they give more and more each year. Eventually those donors will become major donors, but that topic is best left for another book.

The book includes a good list of Web sites for prospect research. But the appendix materials didn’t seem to be up to par.

All in all, this book provides grassroots strategies for struggling nonprofits. It is no-nonsense and well organized. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn the basics about nonprofit fundraising. Topics beyond the scope of this book are planned giving, major gifts, capital campaigns, and endowments. But if you read this book and understand it, then you will be ready to learn about the other topics just mentioned. 5 stars!” – Jeff Lippincott, Princeton, NJ USA

About the Author

Ms. Bray is an author and legal editor at Nolo. Her specialties include real estate, immigration law, and nonprofit fundraising. Ms. Bray also edits a number of Nolo’s small business and small claims court books. Ms. Bray’s working background includes solo practice, nonprofit, and corporate stints, as well as long periods of volunteering, including an internship at Amnesty International’s main legal office in London. She received her law degree and a Masters degree in East Asian (Chinese) Studies from the University of Washington. When she’s not at work she enjoys hiking the East Bay hills, attempting to cook Asian noodle dishes, and going to open houses.