Effective legal services are vital for doing business in China…

WORLD Law Direct offers an experienced team of American and Chinese legal professionals in both China and the United States dedicated exclusively to China law matters. Our team has extensive in-country experience advising U.S., Chinese and European clients on investment, trade and commercial matters throughout China.

Thanks to our national and worldwide networks, we are capable of providing highly efficient and reliable legal services for our clients.

WORLD Law Direct helps foreign and Chinese businesses with…

  • locating manufacturers and/or buyers;
  • feasibility evaluations of cooperative projects;
  • credit and background research of partners;
  • mergers and acquisitions;
  • establishment of foreign investment enterprises;
  • intellectual property protection (trademarks and patents);
  • negotiating disputes;
  • arbitration; and
  • litigation.

WORLD Law Direct also advises international and Chinese companies on cross-border transactions, joint ventures, project financings, infrastructure development, company restructurings, bonds and government relations.

We organize our lawyers into teams required to meet each of our clients’ needs. We have created a comprehensive legal service model which guarantees our clients efficient management of their matter.

Need help? Contact us now!

Our U.S., British and Chinese attorneys in China are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Email us — We’ll be happy to help!

To discuss issues concerning business law in China click here.