A database of all businesses contracting or seeking contracts with the federal government. It is maintained by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD).

Any business looking to get a government contract should know about the Central Contract Registration, or CCR. The CCR is the primary database for vendors that can provide services to the U.S. government. The CCR is not only a place to register if you are considering a government contract, but the database will collect, validate, store and disseminate information so that agencies looking to acquire services are supported better.

The CCR not only functions as a database, but also as a way for payment to be made and received. When you register your company with the CCR, you will be required to give basic information that is relevant to the procurement process and also for financial transactions. The CCR will provide the information to federal agencies so that payments can go through and electronic funds transfer. The CCR also shares the information with procurement and electronic business systems within the government. All the information is encrypted and secure, so that your company s information is protected when being transferred.

Central Contract Registration (CCR) and Federal Agency Registration (FedReg) agent assistance is available 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST Monday through Friday.

CCR Assistance Center
DSN: 661-5757

Web: www.ccr.gov

Central Contract Registration (CCR) – FAQs

Q: What is an MPIN? Where can I locate or assign my MPIN?
A: Marketing Partner ID (MPIN): is a personal code that you create and register in CCR. The MPIN also allows you to access other government applications such as the Past Performance Information Retrieval System (PPIRS), FedBizOpps, and FedTeDS. The MPIN acts as your password in these other systems, and you should guard it as such. You make up the code and register it in CCR. The MPIN must have 9 digits containing at least one alpha character and one number (no spaces or special characters permitted).

If you do not have an MPIN but do have an active registration in CCR, all you need to do in order to create an MPIN is to enter the information for the Government Business POC (this includes the actual MPIN). You can access your registration by going to the CCR Homepage and clicking on “Update or Renew Registration using TPIN” – remember to have your TPIN ready. Once you have logged in, click on the “Points of Contact” tab. Scroll down to “Government Business POC” and complete all the fields including the MPIN and email address. Your registration will take approximately 24 hours to update. Please note that the MPIN location is at the bottom of the page, not within the Government Business POC.

If you are not registered in CCR and need an MPIN, please view our CCR Handbook for instructions on what is needed for registration and details on how to register.

If you need individual help in finding your MPIN, you can reach the CCR help desk at 1-888-227-2423 or 269-961-5757 (DSN: 661-5757) internationally.

Q: What are PSC and FSC codes, and where can I find them?
A: A PSC (Product Service Codes) is an optional, 4 character, alpha-numeric code that describes the services your business offers. Please note that PSC’s only refer to services and can be accessed at http://fpdcapp.gsa.gov/pls/fpdsweb/pscwiz.

A FSC (Federal Supply Codes) is an optional, 4 character, numeric code used to describe the products your business sells. Please note that FSC’s only refer to products and can be found at http://www.dlis.dla.mil/h2/.

Q: I am having problems accessing the page for “Start New Registration” or “Finish Saved Registration Using Confirmation #” or “Update or Renew Registrations Using TPIN.” What do I do?
A: If you have questions regarding your registration or are having problems accessing the registration pages, please contact the CCR help desk at 1-888-227-2423 or 269-961-5757 (DSN: 661-5757) internationally. You can also find more information on the registration process in the CCR handbook, available at www.ccr.gov/handbook.aspx.

Q: How can I search for 8(a), HUBZone, minority owned, etc. firms in my area?
A: You can perform a search for this information on CCR’s Dynamic Small Business Search (DSBS) which can be accessed at http://dsbs.sba.gov/dsbs/dsp_dsbs.cfm

This page allows for a search to be narrowed down by location (using state, city, zip code, area code, etc.) and also by aspects of the business (such as minority owned, women owned, small disadvantaged business, etc.). By using these options, you should be able to find the information you need.

Q: Since registering in CCR, I have noticed an increase in SPAM emails or phone calls. How can I fix this?
A: We apologize for this inconvenience. As you may be aware, the information entered into CCR falls under the Freedom of Information Act. Access to the CCR public information can be obtained via a public website. The best course of action we can recommend is to provide a generic email address, and a phone number other than your personal cell phone in the CCR registration point of contact field. This way, your personal email address and cell phone number will not be exposed for spamming issues.

Q: How can I search for contracting opportunities now that I am registered in CCR?
A: Please see FedBizOpps, available at www.fedbizopps.gov, for information on possible contracting opportunities.

Q: How can I see the status of a vendor’s registration?
A: You can perform a public search on CCR to find out if a vendor is registered. Simply go to the site, www.ccr.gov, click on “Search CCR,” and you can search using DUNS number, CAGE code, or business name. If you require more information about the company than is available through the public search function, and if you are a federal government employee, you can register for a system called CCR Tools. You can find out more about this system at http://www.ccr.gov/ccrtools.aspx.

Q: What does it cost to register in CCR?
A: Because CCR is a federally mandated and funded program, there is no cost to vendors for registering in CCR. (It is federally mandated that anyone who wishes to do business with the federal government under a FAR-based contract must be registered in CCR before being awarded the contract.) One’s CCR registration in no way guarantees winning a contract or an increase in business. Registration is simply a prerequisite before bidding on a contract. CCR also provides a central storage location for the vendor to supply its information, rather than with each federal agency separately. When information about a business should change, the change only needs to be made in one place for every federal government agency to have the most up-to-date information.

Q: Does CCR coordinate payments?
A: No, CCR is not a payment system. It would be best for you to contact the payment office for the contract you worked on.

Q: What is a TPIN and how do I get it?
A: Trading Partner Identification Number (TPIN) is a confidential number provided to you upon activation in CCR. The TPIN, when used in conjunction with your DUNS number, gives you access to your entire registration, including your EFT information. The TPIN is mailed via the US Postal Service or access to the TPIN is provided via email notification to the person listed as the “CCR Point of Contact” under the “Points of Contact” tab. You need to use this TPIN in order to update and/or renew your registration so watch for this letter and DON’T throw it away!

If your POC and your Alternate POC are no longer with the company, it will be necessary for you to mail or overnight a notarized letter, on letterhead from your legal staff, corporate council or an office of the company. You should mail the letter to:

Attn: Defense Logistics Information Service
74 Washington Ave N STE 7
Battle Creek MI 49017-3084

The TPIN is never provided to or used on government paperwork or contracts. If you have lost your TPIN or feel that your TPIN has been compromised please contact our CCR Assistance Center at 888-227-2423 or 269-961-5757 (DSN: 661-5757).

If you feel as if it has been longer than would be necessary for your TPIN to arrive to you, please call the CCR help desk at 1-888-227-2423 or 269-961-5757 (DSN: 661-5757) internationally and they will be able to give you more information on your specific situation.

Q: I have lost my TPIN. How can I recover it?
A: To locate your TPIN, you can submit a TPIN letter request at https://www.bpn.gov/CCR/scripts/indextpin.asp.

Q: How do I verify my company is registered or view my registration status?
A: You can perform a public search on CCR to find a vendor’s registration. Access the site at www.ccr.gov, click on “Search CCR,” and you can search using DUNS number, CAGE code, or business name.

Q: How do I update my PRO-Net profile in CCR?
A: PRO-Net and CCR have merged, and all of PRO-Net’s functionality is now contained in CCR. If you indicate that you are a small business when registering in CCR, a supplemental page with small business information will pop up when completing your initial CCR registration. This page allows you to enter the specifics of your small business status.

Q: Where do I find my PRO-Net identification number?
A: If you indicate that you are a small business when registering in CCR and fill out the SBA supplemental page with the specifics of your small business status, SBA will generate an ID # (sometimes called PRO-Net ID# or Customer #) for your business. This ID number is 8 characters long and usually begins with the characters “P0” or “PN” (in the form of P0xxxxxx or PNxxxxxx). If you are still unable to locate this number, you can call the CCR Help Desk at 1-888-227-2423, and they should be able to walk you through further instructions.

Q: Are international companies required to register in CCR?
A: For international vendors, registration in CCR is mandatory unless it is deemed by the contracting officer to be a special situation where it is not required. Please contact your contracting officer to determine if registering is mandatory for the particular award you are bidding on.

Q: How can I have my business included in the Dynamic Small Business Search?
A: If you indicate that you are a small business when registering or updating your registration in CCR, a supplemental page with small business information will pop up. This page allows you to enter the specifics of your small business status. Once this page is completed, this information will be included in the Dynamic Small Business Search (DSBS).

Q: Who is required to register in CCR?
A: Since October 1, 2003, it is federally mandated that any business wishing to do business with the federal government under a FAR-based contract must be registered in CCR before being awarded a contract. You can find more information on CCR and the registration process in our handbook, found at http://www.ccr.gov/handbook.aspx.

Q: I am an employee of the federal government and need to receive the CCR data in order to award contracts or process payments. How can I gain access to this information?
A: We have two main ways that federal government users can access the information contained in CCR: CCR Extracts and CCR Tools. You can find more information about these options at http://www.ccr.gov/data.aspx. Simply choose one of these systems, fill out the appropriate forms, and send them in. There is some processing time involved, but if you are approved you generally gain access to these systems 1-2 weeks after submitting your registration forms. We have also added XML access for users proficient in its capabilities.

Q: I am an international vendor and need an NCAGE code before beginning my registration in CCR. How do I find my NCAGE code?
A: Instructions for requesting an NCAGE code can be found at http://www.dlis.dla.mil/Forms/Form_AC135.asp. You can email the following address with any problems getting an NCAGE code: NCAGE@dlis.dla.mil or contact the CCR help desk at 888-227-2423 or 269-961-5757 (DSN: 661-5757) internationally.

Q: How do I register in CCR?
A: You can register online at www.ccr.gov by clicking on “Start New Registration” if you already have a DUNS number. (If you need a DUNS number you can find instructions at http://www.ccr.gov/vendor.aspx.) If you are having problems with your registration, you can view further information regarding registration in the CCR handbook at www.ccr.gov/handbook.aspx or you can contact the CCR help desk at 888-227-2423 or 269-961-5757 internationally.

Q: I am concerned about including my company’s banking information for security reasons. Can I still register if I don’t enter this information?
A: The banking information is mandatory for registering in CCR. While CCR is not a payment system and does not directly facilitate payments, federal government agencies are required to make payments only to vendors’ bank account information as it appears in CCR. This system ensures that payments are made to a current account, as each vendor is responsible for keeping their registration information up-to-date. Should a payment be made to an old or no longer valid account, the fault in that case would lay with the vendor for not keeping their CCR registration current. Vendors are required to update their entry at least once every 365 days.

The only people who can view your banking information are approved government contracting or finance officers. They have access to this information in CCR so that they can ensure payments are made properly.

Q: I am having problems with my access to CCR Tools. Where can I find help?
A: Questions regarding the status of CCR Tools access requests or the CCR Tools application should be sent to CCRTools@bpn.gov. For difficulties signing on, or for password resets, contact commercial 269-961-4567; DSN 661-4567; or email Accounts@bpn.gov.

Q: I want to assign my claims to another source. How do I do that?
A: The standard procedure is if a contractor assignes his or her payments, the contract needs to be modified to identify the assignee. That identification needs to include the assignee’s DUNS number or CAGE code. The finance office should then look to that section of the modified contract to know which record to pull from CCR for the payment information. Assignees, just like prime contractors, need to be registered separately in CCR. If they need to have more than one EFT address, they can make use of the DUNS+4 capability.

DnB FAQs for Name and Address Validation

Q: I am updating/renewing my CCR record and noticed that the DnB information provided requires modification. How can I update this data?
A: You can easily request a modification to your current D-U-N-S record by using the DnB online request service at http://fedgov.dnb.com/webform. If you are not able to use the on-line process, and require assistance, please email govt@dnb.com. Note: It may take up to two (2) business days before modifications to your Legal Business Name, Doing Business As (DBA), Physical Address, Postal Code/Zip+4 information on file at DnB becomes available to CCR. The time period may be longer for some countries.

Once DnB confirms the modification, you must re-visit the Update/Renew link at www.ccr.gov and “accept’ the updated information provided by DnB in order for it to become a part of your publicly viewable CCR record.

Q: I contacted DnB to make changes and the new information is still not showing in the update/renew section of CCR. What do I do?
A: If it has been two business days since you received confirmation from DnB that your D-U-N-S record has been modified, your next step is to return to the Update/Renew link at CCR to accept the changes. If changes to your Legal Business Name, Doing Business As (DBA), Physical Address, or Postal Code/Zip+4 are not displayed, please contact DnB at govt@dnb.com. Provide your D-U-N-S Number and Legal Business Name in the e-mail.

Q: I received a DnB error code when attempting to Update/Renew my CCR record. What is required to move forward?
A: Please contact DnB at ccrhelp@dnb.com indicating the error code you received. Be sure to include your D-U-N-S Number in the email. A DnB representative will contact you to resolve the issue.

Q: I have learned that my organization has a new D-U-N-S Number. How do I update my CCR record?
A: Please contact DnB at govt@dnb.com indicating the old and new D-U-N-S Number(s). A DnB associate will respond by verifying the correct D-U-N-S Number for your organization. Additional information will be provided if changes to your CCR record are required.

Note: The article above may not contain up-to-date information.

See also…

Starting a Business

Business and Finance Law