If you signed a lease when you moved in, the landlord under normal circumstances should not be able to move you–he should resolve whatever problem he has in another way (check the lease language however).

If you did not sign a lease unfortunately in most jurisdictions he probably can move you or even terminate your rental rights after 30 days or so. You should tell him/her that you spent a good deal of time and money to move to this particular [ground floor e.g.] unit and you will be forced to consult an attorney if you cannot work something out together. If it becomes absolutely necessary, WORLD Law Direct can arrange to have one of our staff call your landlord to discuss the situation.

Most landlords try to be reasonable when you explain the importance of staying [on the ground floor, or wherever you are]. Coming to agreement is much better than fighting with your landlord so try to resolve the issue on friendly terms.

See also…

Landlord vs Tenant Issues