Law governing this issue does vary from state to state so it is a good idea to also contact your state/local employment office-they will gladly talk to you. Some states will provide guidelines for overtime. Often the amount of overtime is the subject of reasonable negotiation between employer and employee (and has been the subject of several strikes recently). Unless you have a union contract or employment agreement (this could include your mutual understanding with your employer at hiring time), there may be no entitlement to work certain hours. The employer should give you reasonable time/flexibility to make arrangements if you can’t comply with the hours; in some cases if you cannot comply, unfortunately you could be terminated. You might then be entitled to unemployment since it’s not your “fault” that you had to quit.

In some New England states for example management can force workers to work 10 hours a week in overtime and 12 hours during some months of the year. In Pennsylvania management can force workers to work 15 hours a week in overtime during five months of the year, and 10 hours during the remaining seven. In New Jersey there is no cap on the amount of overtime that can be imposed on workers.

See also…

Labor and Employment Law