INCOME STATEMENT Financial statement showing a company’s sales, expense and net income or loss for a specific period of time.

INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Public accountants are independent when neither they nor any of their family have a material, direct or indirect financial interest in the borrower other than as an accountant.

INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BOND (IRB) A tax-exempt bond issued by a state or local government agency to finance industrial or commercial projects that serve a public good. The bond usually is not backed by the full faith and credit of the government that issues it, but is repaid solely from the revenues of the project and requires a private sector commitment for repayment.

INDUSTRY Concerns primarily engaged in the same kind of economic activity are classified in the same industry regardless of their types of ownership (such as sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation). The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) classifies approximately 1,000 activities as industries under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

INNOVATION Introduction of a new idea into the marketplace in the form of a new product or service, or an improvement in organization or process.

INSOLVENCY The inability of a borrower to meet financial obligations as they mature, or having insufficient assets to pay legal debts.

INSTALLMENT LOAN One in which the amount of interest is added to the principal and repaid by the borrower in equal periodic payments.

INTEREST An amount paid a lender for the use of funds.

INTERMEDIARIES Intermediaries are organizations that play a fundamental role in encouraging, promoting, and facilitating business-to-business relationships and mentor-prot?©g?© partnerships. In addition to their many other functions, many organizations serve as intermediaries between the community and business, for businesses within an industry, for businesses within a geographic area, and for businesses with state and/or local governments. In their various capacities, many of these organizations accumulate information about programs that are offered by their members, in their community, or in their industry. As a result, these organizations are in a unique position to serve as a go-between for potential business-to-business relationships or mentor-prot?©g?© partnerships.

INTERMEDIARY ORGANIZATION Organizations that play a fundamental role in encouraging, promoting, and facilitating business-to-business linkages and mentor-prot?©g?© partnerships. These can include both nonprofit and for-profit organizations: chambers of commerce; trade associations; local, civic, and community groups; state and local governments; academic institutions; and private corporations.

INVENTORY Merchandise that is purchased and/or produced and stored for eventual sale.

INVENTORY TURNOVER How often the inventory is sold and replenished over the course of a year.

INVERSE ORDER OF MATURITY When payments are received from borrowers that are larger than the authorized repayment schedules the overpayment is credited to the final installments of the principal which reduces the maturity of the loan and does not affect the original repayment schedule.

INVESTMENT BANKING Businesses specializing in the formation of capital. This is done by outright purchase and sale of securities offered by the issuer, standby underwriting or “best efforts selling.”

INVITATION FOR BIDS Formal solicitations for offerings, to perform procurements by competitive bids when the specifications describe the requirements of the government clearly, accurately, and completely; but avoiding unnecessarily restrictive specifications or requirements which might unduly limit the number of bidders.

IRS Internal Revenue Service (IRS) (USA)

IRS – FORMS Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Forms (USA)