If you own, operate or represent a small business, you should contact the bureau Small Business Specialists for marketing assistance and information. The Specialists will advise you as to what types of acquisitions are either currently available or will be available in the near future. In addition, a ‘Forecast of Contract Opportunities’ is produced each year by the U.S. Department of Commerce and includes upcoming procurement information for its bureaus.

U.S. Department of Commerce
Small Business Specialists

  • Frank Krempa, Office of the Secretary, Phone: 202-482-0997, Fax: 202-482-4988, fkrempa@doc.gov
  • Lawrence Frazier, NOAA (AGO), Phone: 301-713-4179, Fax: 301-713-1974, Lawrence.B.Frazier@noaa.gov
  • Michele A. McCoy, NOAA (EASC), Phone: 757-441-6879, Fax: 757-441-3786, Michele.A.Mccoy@noaa.gov
  • Sharon Webster-Tyson, NOAA (CASC), Phone: 816-426-7469, Fax: 816-426-5067, Sharon.K.Tyson@noaa.gov
  • Jan Clark, NOAA (MASC), Phone: 303-497-6320, Fax: 303-497-3163, Jan.Clark@noaa.gov
  • Rose Olds, NOAA (WASC), Phone: 206-526-4395, Fax: 206-527-6936, Rose.N.Olds@noaa.gov
  • Muriel Brown, Patent and Trademark Office, Phone: 571-272-6551, Fax: 571-273-0284, Muriel.Brown@uspto.gov
  • Henry Levy, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Phone: 301-975-6343, Fax: 301-975-8884, henry.levy@nist.gov

Census, TBD

National Data Buoy Center, TBD

U.S. Department of Commerce
Acquisition Offices

Office of the Secretary

Office of Acquisition Management
14th and Constitution Ave., N.W.
Herbert C. Hoover Building, Room 6521
Washington, DC 20230

Mike J. Anastasio, Jr.
Director and Bureau Procurement Official (BPO)
Commerce Acquisition Solutions
Phone: 202-482-6100, Fax: 202-482-4988

Frank Krempa
Small Business Specialist
Phone: 202-482-0997, fkrempa@doc.gov

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Acquisition and Grants Office (AGO)
1335 East West Highway
SSMC1, Rm. 6300
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Helen Hurcombe, Director
Acquisition and Grants Office
Phone: 301-713-0325, Fax: 301-713-1974

Lawrence Frazier
Small Business Specialist
Phone: 301-713-4179, Fax: 301-713-1974

Robert Ransom, Director
Phone: 301-713-0820, Fax: 301-713-0808

Linda Shariati, Acting Director
Phone: 301-713-3478, Fax: 301-713-4155

Gary Rice, Director
OFA/External Customer AMD
Phone: 301-713-0838, Fax: 301-713-0809

Dan Clever, Director
Phone: 301-713-0325, Fax: 301-713-1024

Michael Nelson, Director
Grants AMD
Phone: 301-713-0926, Fax: 301-713-0947

Eastern Administrative Support Center (EASC)
Norfolk Federal Building, 8th Floor
200 Granby Street
Norfolk, VA 23510

Jack O. Salmon, Chief
Phone: 757-441-6893, Fax: 757-441-3786, Jack.O.Salmon@noaa.gov

Michele A. McCoy, Small Business Specialist
Phone: 757-441-6879, Fax: 757-441-3786, Michele.A.Mccoy@noaa.gov

Central Administrative Support Center (CASC)
Acquisition Division (CC3/NOAA)
601 East 12th Street, Room 1756
Kansas City, MO 64106

Gary Scibona, Chief
Phone: 816-426-6823 x240, Fax: 816-426-7530, Gary.Scibona@noaa.gov

Sharon Webster-Tyson, Small Business Specialist
Phone: 816-426-7267 x222, Fax: 816-426-7530, Sharon.K.Tyson@noaa.gov

Mountain Administrative Support Center (MASC)
325 Broadway, DSRC GB-506A
Boulder, CO 80305-3328

David Barr, Chief
Phone: 303-497-3515, Fax: 303-497-3163, David.M.Barr@noaa.gov

Jan Clark, Small Business Specialist
Phone: 303-497-6320, Fax: 303-497-3163, Jan.Clark@noaa.gov

David Groton, Small Purchases
Phone: 303-497-3107, Fax: 303-497-3163, David.S.Groton@noaa.gov

Western Administrative Support Center (WASC)
Acquisition Management Division (WC3)
7600 Sand Point Way, NE
Seattle, WA 98115-6349

Heide Sickles, Chief
Phone: 206-526-6033, Fax: 206-526-6025, Heide.L.Sickles@noaa.gov

Rose Olds, Small Business Specialist
Phone: 206-526-4395, Fax: 206-527-6936, Rose.N.Olds@noaa.gov

National Data Buoy Center (NDBC)
Program Support Division
Building 1100, Room 360
Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-6000

Daniel Laurent, Chief
Phone: 228-688-1701, Fax: 228-688-3153, Daniel.Laurent@noaa.gov

Bureau of the Census

Procurement Office (Suitland)
Federal Office Building #3, Room G-312
Suitland, MD 20233

Michael Palensky, Chief
Phone: 301-763-3342, Fax, 301-457-8465,

Procurement Office (Jeffersonville)
1201 East 10th Street , Bldg. 66, Room 149
Jeffersonville, IN 47132

Connie Smith, Chief
Phone: 812-218-3351, Fax: 812-218-3937, Connie_Smith@ccmail.census.gov

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO)

USPTO Office of Procurement
Office of Procurement
Mail Stop 6
P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, VA 22314-1450

Kevin McGinn, Director
600 Dulany Street
Madison East, Room 7A 05
Alexandria, VA 22314-1450
Phone: 571-272-6550, Kmcginn@uspto.gov

Muriel A. Brown, Small Business Specialist
Phone: 571-272-6551, muriel.brown@uspto.gov

Technology Administration

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Acquisition and Logistics Division
Building 301, Room B-130
Quince Orchard Road
Gaithersburg, MD 20899

Henry Levy, Small Business Specialist
Phone: 301-975-6343, Fax: 301-975-8884, henry.levy@nist.gov

Federal OSDBU Offices

Last update: 9/18/06

Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)
6350 Walker Lane
Alexandria, VA 22310
Director: Ms. Barbara J. Little
Phone: (703) 428-0786, Fax: (703) 428-3578

Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
701 S. Courthouse Road, D04 Room 1108B, Arlington, VA 22204-2199
Phone: (703) 607-6436, Fax: (703) 607-4173

Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
8725 John J. Kingman Road, DB Room 1127, Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-6221
Director: Thomas D. Ray (703) 767-1662
Women Business Rep.: Patricia A. Cleveland
Phone: (703) 767-1652, Fax: (703) 767-1670

Department of the Air Force
The Pentagon, SASSB 1060 Air Force, Washington, DC 20330-1060
Director: Joseph Diamond
Phone: (703) 696-1103, Fax: (703) 696-1170

Department of the Army
The Pentagon, Room 3B514, Washington, DC 20310-0106
Director: Tracey L. Pinson
Deputy Director: Paul Gardner
Phone: (703) 697-2868, Fax: (703) 693-3898

Department of Defense
1777 North Kent Street, Suite 9100, Washington, DC 22209
Director: Frank Ramos
Deputy Director: Linda Oliver
Phone: (703) 588-8620, Fax: (703) 588-7561

Department of the Navy
720 Kennon St., N.E., Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374-5015
Director: Nancy Tarrant
Phone: (202) 685-6485, Fax: (202) 685-6865

Executive Office of the President
Sandra Evans
Director, OSDBU
725 17th Street, NW, Room 5001
Washington, DC 20503
Phone: (202) 395-7669, Fax: (202) 395-3982

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
3501 Fairfax Drive
Room E2014
Arlington, VA 22226
Chief, Minority and Women Outreach Program: Bob Elcan
Phone: (703) 562-6070, Fax: (703) 562-6069

General Services Administration
1800 F Street, NW, Washington, DC 20405
Associate Administrator: Felipe Mendoza
Phone: (202) 501-1021, Fax: (202) 208-5938

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
300 E Street, SW, Room 5C39, Code K, Washington, DC 20546
Assistant Administrator (acting): James A. Balinskas
Phone: (202) 358-2088, Fax: (202) 358-3261

National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard, Room 527
Arlington, VA, 22230
Director: Donald Senich
Phone: (703) 292-7082, Fax: (703) 292-9055

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Office of Small Business and Civil Rights
11545 Rockville Pike, MS T2 F18
Rockville, MD 20852
Director: Corenthis B. Kelley
Small Business Program Manager: Mauricio P. Vera
Phone: (301) 415-7380, Fax: (301) 415-5953

Smithsonian Institution
Office of Equal Employment and Minority Affairs
750 9th Street
Suite 8100 MRC 921
Washington, DC 20560-0921
Supplier Diversity Program Manager: Rudy D. Watley
Phone: (202) 275-0157, Fax (202) 275-2055

Social Security Adminstration
Social Security Administration
Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
7111 Security Boulevard
1st. Floor, Rear Entrance
Baltimore, Maryland 21244
Director: Wayne McDonald
Phone: (410) 965-7467, Fax: (410) 597-1548

Transportation Security Administration
TSA HQ-West Building, 4th Floor, TSA-14
601 S. 12th Street
Arlington, VA 22202
Program Manager: Ramona Jones
Phone: (571) 227-2070

U.S. Agency for International Development
Ronald Reagan Building, USAID/OSDBU/MRC, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW,
Room 7.8E
Washington, DC 20523-7800
Director: Marilyn Marton
Phone: (202) 712-1500, Fax: (202) 216-3056

U.S. Department of Agriculture
14th and Independence Avenue, SW, 1566 South Building, Washington, DC 20250-9501
Director: James E. House
Women Business Rep.: Sherry Cohen
Veteran Business Rep.: Stella Hughes
Phone: (202) 720-7117, Fax: (202) 720-3001

U.S. Department of Commerce
14th and Constitution Avenue, NW, Room H-6411, Washington, DC 20230
Director: La Juene Desmukes
Phone: (202) 482-1472, Fax: (202) 482-0501

U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave., S.W.
Room 7048, PCP
Washington, D.C. 20202-0521
Phone: 202-245-6300, Fax: 202-245-6304
Director: Dr. Kristi Wilson
Women Business Rep.: Marcella Coverson

U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Room # 5B-148
Washington, DC 20585
Director: Theresa Speake
Phone: (202) 586-7377, Fax: (202) 586-5488

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW, Room 360-G, Washington, DC 20201
Director: Debbie Ridgely
Phone: (202) 690-7300
Women Business Rep.: Angel Graves
Phone: (202) 690-6670, Fax: (202) 260-4872

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Attn: OSDBU/Room 3514
Washington, DC 20528
Director: Kevin Boshears
Women Business Rep.: Angela Williams
Phone: (202) 205-1625, Fax: (202) 777-8467
Main Office Number: 202-692-4343

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street, SW, Room 3130, Washington, DC 20410-1000
Acting Director: Valerie T. Hayes
Phone: (202) 708-1428, Fax: (202) 708-7642

U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, NW, MS2252 MIB
Washington, D.C. 20240
Director: Mark Oliver
Women Business Rep.: LaVanna Stevenson-Harris
Phone: (202) 208-3493, Fax: (202) 208-7444

U.S. Department of Justice
1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
National Place Building, Room 1010….(The Shops),
Washington, DC 20530
Director: David Sutton
Women Business Rep.: Ramona Glover
Phone: (202) 616-0521, Fax: (202) 616-1717

U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20210
Room C-2318
Director: Jose Lira
Phone: (202) 693-6460, Fax: (202) 693-6485

U.S. Department of State
SA-6, Room L500, Washington, DC 20522
Acting Director: Gregory Mayberry
Women Business Rep.: Patricia Culbreth
HUBZone Advocate: Judith Thomas
Veteran Business Advocate: Shapleigh Drisko
Phone: (703) 875-6822, Fax: (703) 875-6825

U.S. Department of Transportation
400 7th Street, SW, Room 9414, Washington, DC 20590
Women Business Rep.: Ms. Pat Hodge
Phone: (202) 366-1930, Fax: (202) 366-7228

U.S. Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Mail Code: 655 15th/6099
Washington, DC 20220
General Office Phone: (202) 622-0530, Fax: (202) 622-4963
Director: Virginia Bellamy-Graham (202) 622-2826
Women Business Rep.: Renee Fitzgerald, (202) 622-0793; Fax: (202) 622-4963

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Code 1230-A, Washington, DC 20460
Director: Jeanette L. Brown
Phone: (202) 564-4100, Fax: (202) 501-0756

U.S. Postal Service
475 L’Enfant Plaza SW Room 4430, Washington, DC 20260-6204
Manager, Supplier Diversity: Janice Williams-Hopkins
Phone: (202) 268-4633, Fax: (202) 268-4012

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
U.S. Mail: OSDBU, 810 Vermont Avenue, NW (Mail Stop 00SB)
Washington, DC 20420-0001
Physical Location: TechWorld Plaza, Suite 1221, 801 I Street, NW,
Washington, DC

Director: Scott F. Denniston
Deputy Director for Small Business Programs: Wayne A. Simpson
Phone: (202) 565-8124, toll-free (800) 949-8387, Fax: (202) 565-8156

VA OSDBU Center for Veterans Enterprise
U.S. Mail: CVE, 810 Vermont Avenue, NW (Mail Stop 00VE)
Washington, DC 20420-0001
Physical Location: Mezzanine Level, 1722 I Street, NW, Washington, DC
Deputy Director for Veterans Enterprise: Gail L. Wegner
Phone: (202) 303-3260, toll-free (866) 584-2344, Fax: (202) 254-0238

Source: The Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU)

Note: The article above may not contain up-to-date information.

See Also…

Government and Administrative Law

Business and Finance Law