The procedure can vary from state to state but usually is something similar to the following:

If someone was hurt or killed or damage to another person´s property exceeded a certain amount and the accident report shows you may be at fault, your State Department of Transportation may contact you. You will receive notice that your operating privileges and all vehicle registrations will be revoked for a period of time unless you:

  • file proof to show you were adequately covered by motor vehicle liability insurance at the time of the accident; or
  • deposit a specified amount of money with the Department of Transportation as security to satisfy any possible judgments that result from the accident; or
  • submit evidence that you´ve settled claims with anyone who was hurt or whose property was damaged in the accident.

You can request a hearing if you believe you can show that there´s no reasonable possibility that a claim could be made against you as a result of the accident.

Contact your state’s Department of Transportation or an attorney for additional information.

See also…

Car Accident Claims

Insurance Issues – Forum