Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Peter Edgware. I work at a well-known Security Company in the UK. I am writing with a financial proposal that I hope will interest you. As you are undoubtedly aware, King Fahd bin Abdel Aziz of Saudi Arabia died on the August 1 2005 at the age of 84. Please do a search on the web for more information on him, or look at the BBC’s website:

As you will see from the BBC website (BBC being an independent state funded news broadcaster here, similar to CNN) King Fahd was the ruler of one of the richest countries in the world for 23 years. His country exports over 40% of the world’s oil and it is well known that the royalty are amongst the richest men in the world. We have a consignment containing money deposited here that was left years ago by an aide on King Fahd’s behalf. Now that he is dead, the consignment goes to the listed next of kin. My reason for contacting you is that the next of kin’s name was not listed. A ‘foreign business partner’ is the next of kin, which could be anyone. I would like to invite you to claim the consignment as the foreign partner, as is the next of kin’s legal right and then we would share the contents.

There is absolutely nothing illegal in this idea. This money belongs to the next of kin, who you would claim to be. What would happen would be this: you would apply as the ‘next of kin’ of the deposit. Upon completion of the collection of the consignment, we would arrange to share the money contained therein, leaving a percentage share for you, for your troubles. I re-iterate, this is not illegal and will not cause you any trouble. We have all the documents needed.

The depositor is dead. There is no one to claim this consignment. If you do not, the money will remain indefinitely in store. Wasted. Thanks for taking the time to read this.Please reach me via my personal email address if you are interested: ( so that I may validate your authenticity. If you are not, please could you also tell me so that I do wait needlessly and I may find another potential beneficiary.

Peter Edgware