Book Title:
Every Dog’s Legal Guide: A Must Have Book for Your Owner (Paperback)
by Mary Randolph (Author)
Editorial Reviews:
Book Description
Everything you need to keep your pooch (or the neighbor’s) on a legal leash!
America’s estimated 50 million dogs are governed by many things: The stomach, the nose and the law – laws that you as a dog owner, or as the neighbor of a dog, need to know.
Every Dog’s Legal Guide is a newly revised, up-to-date practical guide to the legal issues that affect dogs, their owners and their neighbors every day, including:
* dog owners liability for injuries
* dogs that bite or create a nuisance
* animal cruelty
* landlords, tenants and dogs
* traveling with dogs
* providing for pets at death
* dealing with veterinarians
* your rights when buying or selling a dog
* restrictions on dangerous dogs
* vaccinations, licenses and other local laws
* guide, signal, service and therapy dogs
The latest edition of Every Dog’s Legal Guide is completely updated with the latest laws of your state that affect your canine.
Dog Law offers a comprehensive look at the legal ramifications of dog ownership and functions as a guide to dispute resolution for problematic dog behavior. Well organized by topic, there are answers to just about any question one might have, from dog biting to landlord relationships, from leash laws to dog burials. Dog owners who read this book will save time, money, legal hassles, and possibly even a beloved dog’s life.
Pet Advisor
“Gathers wealth of information in a coherent, easy-to-follow format, answers many common questions, and offers numerous practical tips and suggestions.”
The Philadelphia Inquirer
“An interesting look at how the law affects dog owners and their relations with the community.”
The Wall Street Journal
“Stresses ways to resolve conflicts without lawyers and the courts.”
Orlando Sentinel
“Designed for people who either own dogs or live near dogs, which is just about everybody.”
About the Author
Mary Randolph earned her law degree from the Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California, Berkeley. She is the author of The Executor’s Guide: Settling Your Loved One’s Estate or Trust, 8 Ways to Avoid Probate, Dog Law, and Deeds for California Real Estate. She is also a coauthor of the legal manual for Quicken WillMaker Plus. She has been a guest on The Today Show and has been interviewed by many publications, including the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, and more. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her family.