Book Title:
Cross-Examination: The Comprehensive Guide for Experts (Hardcover)
by Steven Babitsky, James J. Mangraviti, Jr.
Editorial Reviews:
Book Description
The ultimate measure of every expert is how well the expert performs during cross-examination.
SEAK’s new text, Cross-Examination: The Comprehensive Guide For Experts will help experts quickly and efficiently master the art of responding to each and every cross-examination question truthfully and artfully. Experts will learn how to prepare for, anticipate, recognize, and effectively deal with counsel.
About the Author
Steven Babitsky and James J. Mangraviti, Jr. are the nation’s leading and most prolific authors and trainers on expert witness issues. They are both former trial lawyers whose past texts include: How To Excel During Cross-Examination: Techniques for Experts that Work, How To Excel During Depositions: Techniques for Experts that Work, and The Comprehensive Forensic Services Manual: The Essential Resources for all Experts.
Attorneys Babitsky and Mangraviti have trained thousands of experts on the skills needed to be more effective and better assist the trier of fact.