The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) represents U.S. agricultural interests through its network of agricultural counselors, attaches and trade officers stationed overseas and its backup team of analysts, marketing specialists, negotiators and related specialists in Washington, D.C.

Export services include trade leads, foreign buyers lists, export market profiles, trade negotiations, credit guarantees, food assistance, market development and efforts to counter unfair trade practices abroad.

The Trade Assistance and Planning Office (TAPO) of the FAS is the main contact point for persons interested in participating in export programs carried out by FAS and the Commodity Credit Corporation.


The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information about global supply and demand, trade trends, and market opportunities. FAS seeks improved market access for U.S. products; administers export financing and market development programs; provides export services; carries out food aid and market-related technical assistance programs; and provides linkages to world resources and international organizations.


  • Trade News
  • Trade Policy
  • Exporter Assistance
  • Commodity Information
  • Country Information
  • Export Programs
  • Food Aid Programs
  • Import Programs
  • Attache Reports
  • Commodity Trade Reports
  • Export Sales Reports
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Information
  • U.S.-Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR)


FAS Web site:


Headquarters Contacts

U.S. Department of Agriculture
Foreign Agricultural Service
14th and Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20250-1000
Phone: 202/720-7115
FAX: 202/720-1727

Trade Assistance and Promotion Office
Phone: 202/720-7420
FAX: 202/690-4374

European Area Officer (Non-EC)
Room 5080-S
Phone: 202/720-3080

European Area Officer (EC)
Room 5080-S
Phone: 202/720-2144

Western Hemisphere Area
Room 5604-S
Phone: 202/720-3221

North America Area
Room 5604-S
Phone: 202/720-3221

East Asia Pacific Area
Room 5098-S
Phone: 202/720-2690

Near East, South Asia and
Africa Area Officer
Room 5098-S
Phone: 202/720-7053

Note: The article above may not contain current information.

See also…

International Law